Hybrid Workshop on Community Resilience


26. 6. 2024

Workshop (hybrid) for PH experts/ former EU funded Programs / Civil Protection and Communication Experts on Community Resilience to prepare Guidelines for Community Resilience at Major CB Health-Threats to be held in Thessaloniki and online, on Thursday, 4th of July, 2024. 
The workshop is focusing on enhancing the efficiency, safety and accuracy of Risk and Crisis Communication, to strengthen the European and national preparedness and response capacities that support the development and installation of Community Resilience at incidents or attacks of deliberate release of chemical or biological (CB) agents.
Community resilience and the formation of Guidelines for Community Resilience at major CB Health-threats are at the centre of the discussions of this meeting.
Succeeding a successful series, from October 2022, when the National Public Health Organisation of Greece, was designated as the leading partner-institution for work package 7 (WP7 Leader) of the EU JA TERROR, the workshop in Thessaloniki aims at engaging all collaborating competent bodies in Risk and Crisis Communication in fruitful discussions, that will produce the results to be incorporated into the final, official document; namely the Guidelines for Community Resilience at CB Health Threats.
The Guidelines for Community Resilience at CB Health Threats document is intended to act as a policy-proposition to the EU/EEA countries.
Concept Note and the Preliminary Agenda of the upcoming EU-JA TERROR workshop is available here.

Please register for participation online or in-person by following the link https://forms.office.com/e/qbCL8dLVj2