Sustainability in JA TERROR


10. 7. 2022


One of the sessions at the Partnership Forum in Ljubljana was on Sustainability. WP4 Lead and Co-leads presented the sustainability process in the Joint Action and stressed the overall importance of sustainability in JA TERROR.

Key principles of sustainability were emphasized, such as the importance of contextual awareness and strong and directed stakeholder engagement, as well as how uptake capacity and available resources, both at national and EU level, should be factored into the sustainability process.

The sustainability guidance tool was presented as a key tool for ensuring a common ground for the sustainability process in the JA. The presentation included information on how the tool will provide guidance on how the different work packages can develop roadmaps that are intended to serve as initial plans for how priority outcomes can be sustained, and how this could be done through factoring in and identifying key activities, stakeholders and relevant institutional and regulatory frameworks.

The sustainability process was described in terms of roadmaps developed by the WPs will lay the foundation for the sustainability plan that will be the final product outlining how the JA TERROR outcomes can be sustained beyond the duration of the joint action, towards meeting the JA TERROR objective:

“To address gaps in health preparedness and to strengthen response to biological and chemical terror attacks by cross-sectoral work with security, civil protection and health sectors”