Register for webinar on Clinical Management Guidelines
2. 12. 2024
Webinar on Clinical Management Guidelines is planned under the framework Joint Action TERROR, in the Work Package Health Preparedness & Response planning to biological and chemical terrorist attacks (Work Package 5).
Webinar will take place on Zoom platform on 13th December 2024 at 11.00 CET. It will be recorded and published in the edited version on JA TERROR website.
The webinar aims to introduce the concept and the rationale of one of the main technical documents produced in the framework of Joint Action TERROR, the Work Package 5 Clinical Management Guidelines. The Guidelines describe the clinical management of individuals exposed to two highly pathogenic biological agents and two highly toxic chemical agents that could be used in a terror attack. The biological agents, orthopoxviruses and Yersinia pestis, and the chemical agents, chlorine and nerve agent, were selected based on a consensus between Work Package partners. The guidelines were developed by working groups through literature reviews and expert consultations (remote consultation and workshops). The webinar will provide information on risks associated with the agents, the management of an incident, including discerning between a deliberate and natural/accidental incident and elements of the response to terror attacks (including incident management, communication, and cross-sectoral cooperation). The webinar is intended for those who are involved in all aspects of preparing for, and responding to, biological and chemical terror attacks.
Please register HERE for the webinar. Participants will receive a link for participation on 10th December 2024. For any additional information write to