National cross-sectoral workshop in Belgium


6. 12. 2022


Participants seating at the table at a meetingOn Friday 18th of November 2022, Sciensano, the Belgian competent authority and its affiliated entities, the Health Ministry and the National Crisis Center, organized a national cross-sectoral JA TERROR workshop in the National Crisis Center.

24 participants from 12 organizations gathered together, including police, justice, fire brigades, defense, hospital, crisis center and health authorities.

In Belgium, these different stakeholders already have the opportunity to meet and collaborate, thanks to the creation of a National CBRNe Expertise Center in 2018. The objectives of this Center can be seen as the national transposition of the main objectives of JA TERROR. Therefore, Belgian participants to JA TERROR are constantly seeking for synergies in one way and in the other.

During the workshop, after the structure and work packages of JA TERROR were reminded, the country factsheet obtained from the national results to the WP6/WP5 survey were presented and discussed.

Next, a call for contribution to the next planned activities in the project was made, namely for the upcoming expert interviews and workshops on cross-sectoral collaboration as well as novel threats, a baseline cross-sectoral tabletop exercise, the collection of clinical guidelines and good practices in non-pharmaceutical control measures, and a survey on dual-use.

Through the organization of such national event, JA TERROR wants to promote the involvement of the national stakeholders in its activities, and the uptake of its outcomes at the Member States level.