JA Terror Survey : Mapping of current national preparedness & response framework to biological and chemical terror attacks
10. 8. 2022
Work Packages WP6 – Cross sectoral collaboration: Security, Civil protection & Health and WP5 – Health Preparedness & Response planning to biological and chemical terrorist attacks have prepared a comprehensive survey to map the current national preparedness and response framework to biological and chemical terror attacks and focus on cross-sectoral collaboration.
JA TERROR competent authorities in JA participating countries have been asked to designate relevant person(s) of contact to collect and report information about the current situation of preparedness and response framework and general strategy to biological and chemical terror attacks in their country across three different sectors – health, security and civil protection.
The collected information will contribute to:
- increase the knowledge on existing structures for cross-sectoral collaboration within the participating Member States,
- understand respective roles and responsibilities in preparedness and response between health, security and civil protection sectors,
- identify good practices and examples of systems and mechanisms for cross-sectoral and cross-border cooperation, as well as key challenges and potential gaps,
- establish the baseline to develop the next activities during the project (experts interviews, baseline simulation tabletop exercise, desk research …)