Coordinator for JA TERROR participated in DG HOME’s CBRN Advisory Group
1. 2. 2023
The meeting was held 1st of February. The main purpose for our involvement in the meeting was to present Joint Action TERROR, and to provide a status update to the CBRN AG. Additionally, it was important to urge for more national engagement with the Joint Action, and to highlight the importance of working with all relevant sectors to achieve the cross sectoral objectives in the Joint Action.
Therefore, we asked the meeting participants to reach out to national partners involved in the Joint Action and to participate in national stakeholder forums, and to provide input to surveys and other work coming from the project. These connections are important so that the Joint Action can deliver on the objectives set.
Furthermore, in the meeting we underlined that from the inception of the Action we’ve been somewhat health driven and that we are constantly working to include partners from justice and civil protection to the Joint Action – because we need all sectors input, and if future outcomes are to be used, partners from all sectors need to be involved. This ties into sustainability – that we must work diligently to ensure that the outputs from the Joint Action are relevant, useful, and have shelf life.
These are clear guiding principle for the work in the Joint Action, but it requires cooperation with partners in the project, with national counterparts and the EU to support sustainability.
Coordinator also explained to the meeting that increased efforts and efficiency is the goal for Joint Action TERROR in 2023. Lastly, we shared information about Joint Action TERROR’s Partnership Forum in Umeå May 2023 and that it is possible for outside partners to engage and participate in preparations and in the meeting.
As a Joint Action we clearly recognize the importance of delivering well on our objectives, as preparedness is a key aspect for all countries!’